作詞 ユトリ |
Burdened the past indelible live
in the present Also surely ahead
Of the love hate hate Okay not okay
Fate does not end just fate To believe it has been
急がば回れの繰り返し 行ったり来たりの毎日
慎重すぎた僕は 気づくのが遅すぎたみたいだね
Proceed my way killed pushing the
thought that I want to see
So there are you in my heart
Not also forget want to forget
forget want to forget
It was able Anything for you
Had thought Also surely ahead
Hope is higher and higher No spirit voice
There is a happiness in painful ahead
To believe it has been
今何してるの?もしかして 返信遅いなもしかして
考えすぎた僕は 君に気づけていないみたいだね
Proceed my way killed pushing the
thought that I want to see
So there are you in my heart
Not also forget want to forget
I believe the way you decide on your own
Can you deliver it thinks forgotten?
I was able to see you
I was met on you
I want to see you
I want to see in you
Proceed my way killed pushing the
thought that I want to see
So there are you in my heart
Not also forget want to forget
Convey the "I love you"