作詞 エエ声 |
it's christmas. it's birthday. it's valenyineday Wow Wow hoo!
every day when new. every day is repeated.
You, She, He, all, and Me.
it's likely to learn in alive.
with the Song. with the Love. with the You.
会社帰りお父さんも 晩飯支度お母さんも
そこのお兄ちゃんお姉ちゃんも ガッコのセンセや番長も
となりのアノ子も仔猫もみんな 一緒!一緒!一緒!
the day rises, and the day sinks.
rises and sinks. This is daily life.
ほら笑って おなか抱えて
ほら泣いて あるがままで
ほら歌って さらけ出して
また威張って おヘソを曲げて
Without giving up loving.
it's memory. it's vision. it' irony Wow Wow hoo!
every day got tired. every day comes also.
You, She, He, all, and Me.
it's a life of the natural world.
with the Dream. with the Glory. with the You.
ご機嫌ナナメ政治家も 世界革命ナポレオンも
愛の伝道師ミュージシャンも 今日の日付が変わっても
となりのアノ子と輪になり歌おう it's SHOW!it's SHOW!it's SHOW!
the day rises, and the day sinks.
rises and sinks. This is daily life.
ほら気取って 着飾って
ほら恋して 振り向かせて
ほら伝えて 愛してるって
また戻って 私をトメテ
Without stopping believing.
the day rises, and the day sinks.
rises and sinks. This is daily life.
the day rises, and the day sinks.
rises and sinks. This is daily life.
ラララララ ラララララ
となりに居て いつまでも
離れないで いつの日も
日は昇って 輝いて
また沈んで 夜が来て
日に日に 君を愛して いますように また明日
Without giving up loving.