

悪魔の呟き(A mutter of the devil )
作詞 Book of leat
  A mutter of the devil
          Words…Takuya Shimura
          Composition…Takuya and Makoto
As for you, it is not stopped me.
In the inside when a gear does not get caught.
Do you know my Hell?
In the time when I was hot and was hard, I was in love.

It is left me to nobody.
In hot, lame Hell.
My state of mind wants to be known nobody.
But I am in love.

You are connected to me even if not connected to the world.
The reality that is not evaded.
The world that nobody knows. You should want to try to look.

What of me do you know?
The number of innumberable cells. Can you finish counting homes to a corner? Surely I come to have a pain in a head. Surely I fall into hell.

Do not you try to finish it in this my splendid world?
Surely it will be the days that are happiness.
But you refuse it.
It is not escaped anymore. It is not stopped.

Even if the world refuses it, you are connected to me. If you refuse it, I refuse the world.
You should want to try to look at such world.

The world speaks to such me.
As for


歌詞タイトル 悪魔の呟き(A mutter of the devil )
公開日 2007/01/06
ジャンル ロック
カテゴリ その他
コメント 結構重めなかんじでつくってみました。評価お願いします!あ、日本語訳したものもあるので!悪魔の呟き(つぶやき)です!
Book of leatさんの情報
  • プロフィールは公開されていません
