Opening "my story"
作詞 つっちー |
I rotted away(朽ち果てたよ)
As for my body as for the heart(僕の心も身体も)
Even if I squeeze only anything(どれだけ絞っても)
Nothing comes out of me(僕からは何も出てこないほどに)
It doesn't need "Help"(「助け」なんか要らないさ)
I'm betrayed, and do you carry it on your back by the end?(裏切られて終わりだろ)
Where is the "Happy ending"?(ハッピーエンドはどこにある?)
Only the "Bad end" is found(バッドエンドしか見つかりやしない)
What should I believe'n??(何を信じればいい?)
Whom should I rely on??(誰を頼ればいい?)
There won't be the meaning even if I believe'n!!(信じあったって意味はない!)
The present scenery is the worst(今の景色は最悪だ)
There is only a way going to ruin(荒れ果ててる景色しかない)
It has become in this way why(何故こうなったんだろう)
A monologue repetition answer was given(自問自答繰り返し答えが出た)
What should I believe'n??(何を信じればいい?)
Whom should I rely on??(誰を頼ればいい?)
There won't be the meaning even if I believe'n!!(信じあったって意味はない!)
(What is changed only as for me(変えられるのは僕だけ)
Even if I take the wrong way to walk(歩む道を間違っても)
I said that I couldn't but advance)(進むしかないと僕は言った)
(OK, let's be prepared for it!!!)(さあ覚悟を決めようか)
(The opening began)(オープニングは始まった)
I can't but believe power(力を信じるしかない)
I saved it so far(蓄えてきたんだ)
All the disturbing things break it(邪魔するものは全部壊してやるさ)